Spincast Reel Vs Spinning Reel: Which One to Choose?

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It is easy for an experienced angler to choose a fishing reel since you know what to look for and what’s the best reel for the job. But as a beginner, it might be harder than walking to a fishing store and asking for a fishing reel. 

First, there are three main types of fishing reels. Therefore, it is crucial to identify beforehand the type you want to start your fishing journey with.

Typically, a spincast is cheap, easy to use, and beginner-friendly. A spinning reel is also affordable and easy to use, but it will take you a few hours to learn how to cast. Baitcasting reels, on the other hand, are often recommended for experienced anglers. However, you can still find a beginner-friendly baitcaster. 

More About Spincast Reel

Spincast reels were introduced over 70 decades ago, and they are quite popular among new anglers. They are often used with light lures and baits, but you can still use moderately heavy lures without casting problems. 

Typically, a spincast reel is pretty much the same as a spinning reel. They contain the same essential parts. Their main difference is their mechanism. 

Spincast reels are easier to cast, and you cannot over-spin the spool while casting. Typically, the fishing line stops feeding once it hits the target location. 

Spincast reels are often smaller, and they have a smaller line capacity than other types of reels. For that reason, they are only recommended for smaller fish. Ideally, spincast reels are recommended for children and beginners. 

Top 3 Spincast Reel

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Advantages of Spincast Reels 

  • Spincast reels are way more affordable than the other types of fishing reels. 
  • You don’t have to worry about line twists or backlashes with a spincast since they are not as common as they are with spinning and baitcasting reels. 
  • Spincast reels do not have a learning curve like spinning reels. They are easy to use and lightweight, which is ideal when you are new to fishing. 
  • Spincast reels can be used by children and adults. 

Downsides of a Spincast Reel 

As much as spincast reels have many benefits, they also come with several downsides that we cannot ignore. These downsides include:

  • Spincast reels are not as durable as spinning tackles. 
  • You cannot use your spincast tackle for larger catches. 
  • Spincast reels come with lower line capacity, meaning you cannot use a spincast reel to cast over a long distance. 
  • It is harder to self-correct casting problems with a spincast due to its mechanism and design. 
  • There is more friction on the line path with a spincast reel, lowering a line’s durability. 

What Is the Best Spincast Reel Made Of?

If you want to purchase a long-lasting spincast, consider purchasing a spincast with metal finishing. Typically, a spincast with an aluminum cover will serve you for a longer time. Other factors you should consider before purchasing a high-performance spincast reel include:

  • Spool design: Ensure that the spool is easy to spool and can take enough line to fulfill your beginner goals. 
  • Drag: If you are torn between two spincast tackles, choose the one with a better drag force, just in case you catch a larger fish than you expected. Although spincast tackles are not the most powerful, you can still find a reel with powerful drag to haul out medium-sized fish hassle-free. 
  • Instant anti-reverse bearing: Typically, spincast reels are faced with more line twists, but with an anti-reverse bearing, the risk of line twists reduces drastically. 
  • Budget: Always use the amount of money that will not affect your family budget. Luckily, spincast tackles are very affordable, so you won’t need to break the bank to get one. 
  • Warranty: With a warranty, it means that you can return the spincast if it develops a manufacturer’s fault within the warranted period. That means, the longer the warranty, the more durable the spincast is likely to be. 
  • Compatibility and comfort: Make sure the spincast is compatible with the rod you plan to use, and they both feel comfortable on your hands. You will know a comfortable combo once you try one. 

How to Spool a Spincast Reel

If you have been searching “how to put fishing line on a spincast reel,” you don’t need to worry because it is pretty simple. Just follow these steps, and you are good to go.

  1. Take the cover off. You will need a screwdriver to do that. 
  2. Take off the old line. However, you can use it for backing if you don’t want to use too much new line. 
  3. Through the hole on the spincast cover, run the new line from the end of the rod and tie it up to the spool. Follow the rod guides and don’t miss any. Make a tight knot. If you are using the old line for backing, join the two with a clinch knot. 
  4. Make sure you are holding the line tight, and then put back the cover. 
  5. Lay the filler spool on the floor and, using one hand, hold the line tight and start reeling it into the spool. Make sure there is enough tension while reeling to avoid line twists while fishing. 
  6. Continue reeling but make sure not to fill the spool. Ideally, leave a 1/8 inch space on the spool. Putting too much line will cause casting problems. 
  7. Run the line through the guides and tie the lure. Pinch the line to feel the tension. By now, you are ready to go out fishing. 
  8. If there are any line twists, remove the line and reel in again. It is better to identify the twists while practicing than when in the field. 

I know the steps may seem a lot while reading, but when doing it is pretty easy. Remember, putting a line on a spool is a vital part of your fishing journey. This video can make your work even easier. 

How to Cast a Spincast Reel 

Spincast reels are easy to use, and it shouldn’t be a problem even for a beginner. That said, here are the steps you should follow to cast a spincast. 

  • Reel in the fishing line until the lure is about 30cm from the rod tip. If you are using a bobber or a sinker, it should be about 30cm from the rod tip.
  • Grab the rod with one hand and place your thumb over the button at the back of the spincast. 
  • Face the target location and angle your body such that the side of your body is opposite to the hand holding the rod. 
  • Turn your rod to ensure the reel faces up so you can cast powerfully and effortlessly. 
  • Press the button at the back of the reel and hold it tightly. The fishing line may slightly move, but it will just be a small drop if you hold the button tightly. If that happens, reel the line and try again to make sure the line does not drop before you cast. 
  • Bend your arm and raise the rod until the rod tip is above your head. 
  • Move the rod forward to a point where it reaches your eye level. 
  • Release the button, and the lure will be propelled to the target location. However, if the lure falls just near you, you released the button too late. If it moves upwards and falls just near the bank, you released the button too soon. 
  • Press the button once the lure hits the water. By doing so, you will apply brakes to the line, ensuring it falls wherever you want it to. 

Please make sure to wear protective gear while fishing to keep fishing hooks from hurting your skin in case of a casting problem or accident. You can follow this video for easier steps of how to cast a spincast reel. 

How to Fix a Spincast Reel Problem 

Spincasting tackles are not perfect, and they are affected by some casting problems from time to time. One of the most common problems is the thumb button failing to push while casting. The problem is usually a result of grease drying up between the center shaft and pinion gear, causing a lock tight. 

In most cases, it is easy to fix this problem. Just oil the shaft and lose the gear. Just make sure to use the right oil and not over lubricate. One or two drops of oil to the shaft are enough to make the button working again. 

However, oiling does not always work. If it doesn’t, disassemble the reel and remove the shaft. Soak it in a solvent, for example, gasoline, for a few minutes. Remove it and oil it before returning it to the reel. In most cases, that should do it. 

More About Spinning Reel

Among the types of fishing reels, spinning tackles are the most popular. Spinning reels are modern, and they use a spinning rod, which allows long and accurate casts. Casting a spinning reel is relatively easy, but you will still need to take some hours learning how to cast for the best experience. Spinning tackles are used by experienced and new anglers. 

If you invest in a good spinning reel, you can use it to catch all types of fish, from small ones like trout to large ones like catfish. 

Top 3 Spinning Reels

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Advantages of Spinning Reels 

Compared to spincast reels, spinning tackles are more advantageous. They come with the following advantages:

  • Spinning reels cast lures over long distances, something a spincast reel can’t. 
  • Spinning reels handle wind better, so you can cast with precision even during windy days. 
  • You can effectively switch a spinning reel from one hand to the other without affecting the tackle’s performance. 
  • It is easy to adjust the drag with a spinning tackle since it on top of the reel. Adjustment of the drag is crucial during a battle with a fish. 
  • Spinning reels are more durable than spincast tackles. 
  • You can easily skip lures with a spinning reel. 
  • It is easy to maintain a spinning tackle since the spare parts, and necessary maintenance tools are readily available and cheap.  
  • It is easy to self-correct any problems that develop with a spinning reel. Chances of self-correcting problems with a spincast reel in the field are lower due to its closed face design. 

Downsides of Spinning Reels 

As much as spinning reels are very advantageous, they also have a few drawbacks. These downsides include:

  • Spinning reels are more expensive compared to spincast tackles. 
  • The accuracy of casts reduces with the weight of the lure.
  • Spinning reels are not great while casting in bushy and rocky areas. 
  • Although powerful, it may not be powerful enough to handle some larger catches. 
  • Line twists are common with spinning reels. 

Choosing a Spinning Reel 

Since spinning reels are really popular, there are a lot of options. It is nice to have options, but it can be overwhelming when you don’t know what to look for. You don’t need to worry, though. Here, I will show you the approach to use when choosing a spinning tackle. 

Spinning reels

Features to Consider While Choosing a Spinning Reel 

Consider the following features before choosing a spinning reel:


First, it is essential to keep in mind that tackles are classified according to sizes. There are small, medium, and large. Ensure to choose the right size for the best fishing experience. 

The manufacturers use different numbers to indicate the size of a spinning reel. For example, the numbers can range from 1,000 to 15,000. Others use two-digit numbers, ranging from 10-30. In most cases, a size 10 will most probably be equal to a size 1,000. Keep in mind that the larger the number, the larger the spinning reel is likely to be. 

Reel Handle 

The reel handle is a vital part of the fishing reel. The handle attaches the reel to the rod, and the joint needs to be as tight as possible. That way, it will not slip while casting or retrieving. The handle also needs to be lightweight and comfortable. 

Typically, two major types of reel handles are considered durable, lightweight, and comfortable, EVA foam and cork handles. However, it does not mean there are no other quality materials used to make reel handles. It’s just that Cork and EVA foam are the most common. 

Related : Why Spinning Reels are Left Handed ?

Gear Ratio 

The gear ratio of a spinning tackle is the number the spool will turn once you turn the handle once. The gear ratio is often numbered with numbers, for example, 5.0:1. A 5.0:1 gear ratio means the spool will turn five times when you turn the handle once. 

Typically, the higher the gear ratio, the faster the retrieval speed is likely to be. Therefore, always consider purchasing a spinning reel with a 4.0:1 gear ratio and above. 

However, it is worth noting that spinning reels with a lower gear ratio often have more torque to handle larger catches. That’s why it is wise to purchase a spinning reel with an average or slightly above average gear ratio. 

Number of Ball Bearings 

Spinning tackles come with ball bearings and roller bearings to ensure your fishing experience is as smooth as possible. That said, the more the number of ball bearings, the smoother the fishing experience is likely to be. For example, a spinning tackle with 9+1 ball bearings is likely to provide a smoother experience than one with 5+1. 

However, the quality of the ball bearing also matters. Therefore, ensure the ball bearings are of the highest quality too. For example, they should be made of corrosion-resistant material like stainless steel. 

Material/ Composition 

The composition of the reel will probably determine its durability. Therefore, it is crucial to choose a tough and long-lasting material. However, the material should also be lightweight for the best fishing experience. That said, graphite and aluminum are considered two of the best materials for spinning reels. 

After considering the reel features, it is crucial to other outside factors that can affect your decision. These factors include:

  • Compatibility: If you already have a rod, choose a reel that is compatible with it. 
  • Ease of use: Choose a beginner-friendly spinning reel. 
  • Cost: Spinning reels are available at different prices, and you will always find a reel within your budget. 
  • Warranty: Choose a spinning tackle with the longest warranty. 
  • Target fish: Depending on the type of fish you plan to catch, choose a large or small spinning reel. For example, if you plan to catch small fish like trout, choose an ultralight spinning reel. 
  • Fishing location: If you plan to fish in saltwater, choose a spinning reel dedicated to saltwater fishing. 

Looking for the best spinning reels in the market? Top Quality Spinning Reels Under 100 Dollars

How to Cast a Spinning Reel 

  1. Hold the rod with your dominant hand and wrap your hand until you are comfortable enough. Your thumb should be at the top of the rod. 
  2. Rotate your hand such that the spinning reel is under the rod. Readjust your wrist to make sure your grip feels comfortable
  3. Use your index finger to pull out the line from under the rod. Pull it upwards with the palm of the index finger until you hold it against the fishing pole. 
  4. Reel the fishing line until you have about 30 cm hanging from the rod tip. Be sure to lift the index finger holding the line a little to release the line tension. 
  5. Flip the bail on the spool and unlock the line. The bail is the part that connects the opposite sides of the reel, often made of plastic or metal. Ensure that the bail is open because if it is locked while casting, it can snap the fishing line and send the lure flying into the target location. 
  6. Lift the rod directly over your dominant hand’s shoulder and point it slightly behind it. Your index finger should still be holding the line while doing this. 
  7. Throw the fishing rod towards the target location and keep your feet firmly on the ground, such that your shoulders will be lined up with the location you plan to cast. 
  8. Lift the index finger from the fishing line to relieve the tension on the line, allowing its movement to the water. Please remove your index finger away from the line as soon as possible. It will help avoid hurting yourself with the friction caused if the finger meets the line in motion. 
  9. Grip the line with your index finger once it reaches the target to stop it from floating farther than you want it to. Pull the line against the rod. 
  10. Lock the bail to stop the reel from releasing more line. Just flip the bail to lock it. You will probably hear a click sound when the bail locks. 
  11. Hold the rod handle patiently as you wait for the fish to take the bait. 

Hopefully, this video will make your work even easier. 

How to Fix Common Spinning Reel Problems 

Like spincast reels, spinning tackles also have some problems. Here is how to fix the most common ones. 

  • Line twists: Just cut off the twisted line and replace it with a new one using a spooling machine. That way, the line will be tightly spooled, and the likelihood of line twists will be lower. 
  • Wrong line size: Always use the correct line size with your spinning tackle for the best performance. The right line size is often printed on the spool, or you can find that information from the manufacturer’s website. 
  • Bail Spring: If you bail won’t open or lock, maybe it is time to replace it. But if the problem is caused by bail wire, just bend it the right way, and the problem will be fixed. 
  • Back your braided line with a monofilament line to prevent braided line slippage. 

Spincast Reel vs Spinning Reel: Wrapping Up 

Depending on your fishing goals, you can use a spinning or spincast reel. They are affordable, easy to use, and beginner-friendly. However, spinning reels are superior to spincast when it comes to casting distance and landing larger catches. That said, I recommend getting a spincast reel if it is your first time fishing to familiarize yourself with fishing gears. Then, graduate to spinning reels a few weeks later. 

Finally, you have already know the difference between spincast and spinning reel. If you want to learn more about the spinning reel casting technique, you may read our informative content on how to cast a spinning reel. Hope you will find it interesting and useful.


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